Cypress Custom Commands in Cypress All the automation tools provide a set of commands which perform a designated action and helps in simulating a user behavior. Following the same, Cypress also provides a set of commands which affect the user actions. But it also provides an added functionality that you can define a command of your own. These commands are Cypress […] Written by archana chauhan September 6, 2021September 6, 2021
Cypress Cypress Assertions Assertions are the validation steps that determine whether the specified step of the automated test case succeeded or not. In actual, Assertions validates the desired state of your elements, objects, or application under test. Eg. Assertions enable you to validate scenarios such as whether an element is visible or has a particular attribute, CSS class, or state. It is always a […] Written by archana chauhan September 6, 2021September 6, 2021
Cross-Browser Screenshot Testing with Browserling One of the most important things when working on your website or web app and solving cross-browser testing issues is sharing screenshots quickly and easily. Screenshots provide an easy way to share browser issues with your team and colleagues. Additionally, they save us from writing lengthy step-by-step instructions that describe the bug. We have heard […] Written by archana chauhan September 6, 2021September 6, 2021
Cypress jQuery and Cypress jQuery, as we all know, is a JavaScript library which has simplified the web development process by providing multi-browser support for the HTML document traversing, event handling, DOM traversing and manipulation. For all the UI automation frameworks, accessing and manipulating the DOM elements is one of the significant tasks, and jQuery can help in achieving these tasks by writing […] Written by archana chauhan September 3, 2021September 6, 2021
Cypress Handle Non-Cypress Async Promises In the previous article, we learned about how Cypress internally handles the asynchronous behavior of its commands and still provides a seamless, sequential, and consistent execution of the test cases. Still, there can be situations, such as combining the Cypress commands with third-party libraries or JavaScript commands, where we have to handle the async promises or commands […] Written by archana chauhan September 3, 2021September 6, 2021